Take one down . . .
18 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
. . . and pass him around, and we'll all be happy again. THE OPPOSITE SEX is sort of like a husband-swapping club, circa 1956, complete with a Reno Dudette ranch where rich soon-to-be ex-wives have 42 days to try out the latest in Boy Toys if they are caught between Sugar Daddies. High Society is so exclusive that social climbing is virtually impossible, as the "Crystal" character finds out here. Even though Crystal spends most of THE OPPOSITE SEX in various bath tubs, she cannot clean the dirt of her humble origins from her soul. At least that seems to be the main message of this so-called "women's film," in which the Rich Bi*Ches run an exclusive guild which quickly isolates and destroys any would-be gate-crashers, such as Crystal. The Ladies Powder Room is run more like a Texas slaughterhouse. Take it from me (and I toured one in Abilene): THE OPPOSITE SEX is NOT for weak stomachs; you may not like seeing how they make sausage. But for the braver gals, it's loads of fun!
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