why do people hate this short so much?
14 October 2013
I don't understand why people are so hard on this short, I actually thought this was one of the better Stooge shorts featuring Joe Besser, the short had a good cast (Emil Sitka, Phillip Van Zandt, Gene Roth, Harriette Tarler), a decent script and some funny moments such as the dinner table scene, them freeing Emil Sitka's character, Larry & Joe being scared of the zombie while Moe thought they were playing charades and Larry accidentally hitting Moe in the head with a hammer and then Moe rubbing a wooden sander on Larry's head, watch Larry's facial reactions to him getting his head rubbed by a wooden sander! IMO that scene is up there with some of the best moments in Stooge history.

The short may be a little slow in parts but it does have some funny moments, this short is far more deserving than just 1 out of 10 stars, I give this short a 6 out of 10.
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