Empire State (2013)
Not an action movie
21 September 2013
Even though action types like the Rock and Liam Hemsworth of the Hunger Games are the main stars, don't expect an action movie with thrills and fast paced action. Instead it is a fairly sympathetic dramatization of a real life heist - the largest cash amount in history in 1982.

The two main perpetrators are blue collar friends struggling to make ends meet. The casting of Liam Hemsworth as Chris the security guard is strange. He is a watchable actor but doesn't look Mediterranean as the character is in real life. Michael Angarano is suitably out of control as his impulsive bumbling partner in crime. Emma Roberts plays a waitress friend.

Usually I like true story movies because the plots are stranger than fiction and more convincing. Unfortunately this story isn't terribly interesting. It's all rather straightforward and the characters are rather common loser types. Despite the A list stars it doesn't have that compelling enough of a story or endearing characters for a big screen movie. It was released straight to DVD and you can kind of see why after watching it. Still it's okay for one watch.
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