The Vampire Diaries: Ghost World (2011)
Season 3, Episode 7
I'm pretty sure I just got spit-roasted by Mason Lockwood's ghost , Ghost World
9 May 2013
Mason Lockwood is back not just only hem,Sheila Bennett,Lexi Branson,Frederick,Pearl and Anna all characters from the first season come back in this episode to reminder on the 1st Season Episode #22 Founder's Day of TV Show's longer run The Vampire Diaries.I am glad that Kevin Williamson still stayed in this season he left after third season for his new TV show The Following. Malese Jow,Taylor Kinney,Arielle Kebbel,Kelly Hu,Stephen Martines and Jasmine Guy reprise their roles respectively.

Damon is tortured from Mason Lockwood tied up on the chair and his ring is taken off, Damon first thinks that Stefan did that when he says very low blow Stefan, Stefan denies that and pull the poker stake out off Damon's belly but still leaves him tied up on a chair while Mason open's curtain of the window and let's Damon fry on the sun that really hurt's Mason laughs.The reason he did that was because he wanted to get a little payback for what did Damon do to him in Season 2 a lot of us fans thinks that he come back to get revenge on Damon,but Mason does not want that from Damon he only want's apologize and he want's to help Tyler he doesn't need revenge but a redemption the song in a Lockwood cave remind 's me on Supernatural theme with song Episode 2 Season 2 at the end when Dean is talking about his feelings after their dad died.

Mason and Damon goes in to Lockwood tunnels to look for a weapon for the original Vampires Klaus, Mason tells him to go left but Damon to pride didn't listen him and goes right and sets off a booby trap, getting staked from four different directions and skewered. The stakes are covered in verbena so he can't pull them out.But Mason break's them and pull's them out off Damon's body. I always liked Mason in Season 2 better than Klaus.

Joseph Morgan did not appear in this episode because it was a reminder on the first season's episode Founder's Day.Lexi appears when she hits Stefan and bound him to a chair with chain's in a dark cell room with Elena tries to break him trough so that he could turn's on his humanity, poor Stefan i actually i really feel bad for him after everything he has done to Elena and those poor girls in Tennessee the same goes for Damon, in this season Damon did turn in to a better person than he was in the first season. I love him, Lexi is torturing Stefan i really love his quote's "I will rip you apart,Lexi!" "You can't,i am already dead" poor Stefan but this time he deserve it and got what is coming to him after all, he hurt Elena so much and slaughter so many innocent people. Still i prefer the first season over a third one.

Jeremy see's Anna again previous girlfriend from the first season and when they are kissing in the bathroom Elena catches them.Elena is mad on Jeremy and Anna.Elena,Bonnie and Caroline desperately tries to sent back ghost to the other side and close the spirit door forever. In town Founders Day history teacher is missing and later in the night they found him strung up bloody and dead in a tree.When Bonnie and Caroline are driving they see Vampire's attack on Carol so Caroline step's out to fight all these evil vampire ghosts she is so brave, Bonnie is driving away to destroy that necklace and shut the ghost door forever.

This episode is really good not the best one or worst one, but really is good it end's with a cliffhanger. I seriously miss the first season and wish i would had them on Blu-ray already. The Vampire Diaries is the best TV show out there.
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