Baby Be Good (1935)
Mixed Short from Betty
14 April 2013
Baby Be Good (1935)

** (out of 4)

Betty Boop is taking care of a baby boy who is constantly causing trouble. After he paints her cat, Betty sits him down for a story about a baby boy who is constantly doing bad things until he is visited by a fairy (played by Betty of course). BABY BE GOOD is a short I had mixed feelings about. On one hand, there's all sorts of imagination going on and especially in the fantasy sequence where we see the boy doing all sorts of bad things from tying a can to a dog's tail to breaking windows to cutting a man's hair. There's some pretty fun stuff going on but the biggest problem is that none of it is really that funny because the kid himself is just so annoying. Instead of the fairy talking to the little one you really wish she'd find a belt! The ending of the picture really doesn't work either as the kid is basically told he has to take back everything he's done and this is when the film just plays in reverse. I guess the filmmakers thought this was going to be clever but it just doesn't work and again it's rather unfunny. BABY BE GOOD is certainly a mixed short that's only recommended to Betty fans who want to see all of her films.
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