Review of Lightfields

Lightfields (2013)
A supernatural mystery
28 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
People who watched 'Marchlands' a couple of years ago should know what to expect here; like the earlier work this five part series is set in three different time periods. The first is during the Second World War where Lucy, a seventeen year old girl, dies in a barn-fire shortly after an assignation with an American airman at Lightfields Farm in Suffolk; in the second a mother and daughter move into Lightfields, the mother was there at the time of the fire but has no memory of it and in the final time period an elderly man moves to Lightfields to live with his son and daughter-in-law and their grandson Luke in the present day… he too was there at the time of the fire. Over the course of the series a picture builds up as to what happened Lucy and it looks as if her restless spirit is seeking revenge on those she holds responsible for her death. Away from the main plot Luke's grandparents have to contend with his father who is trying to get custody of him.

Having enjoyed 'Marchlands' I was keen to watch this too and wasn't disappointed. The events in the three time periods where nicely interwoven and it was never confusing as to which time we were watching. There were plenty of people to suspect in the starting of the fire; including some who felt they might be to blame even though it ultimately became apparent they weren't. Lucy's ghostly appearances were creepy in a good way; especially when it looked as though she was targeting young Luke. The cast all put in good performances; this includes both familiar faces and some less well-known actors. Overall I'd say this was well worth watching; each week I was left wanting to know what would be revealed next.
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