The Rookies: Concrete Valley, Neon Sky (1972)
Season 1, Episode 1
Pretty dumb--and it's hard to imagine that this was episode #1~
22 February 2013
When I was a kid, my family always watched "The Rookies" among other shows. However, I was a kid and have no idea if the show is any good. So, tonight I put in the first disc from the series and was shocked--shocked at how dumb episode #1 was. I am talking about REALLY dumb! So dumb you wonder why they began with this sort of episode and not something stronger!

"Concrete Valley Neon Sky" is set in a magical fairy world they call 'the inner city'. I say this because it looks NOTHING like a real tough city--nothing. First off, no place (even Detroit) has trash EVERYWHERE like this place...and like this's so clean looking trash! The 'gangs' are hilarious--the guys mostly look like 30 year old college students--not tough hooligans. And, these gangs are 100% integrated and very well dressed--with button up shirts and no holes in their clothes. It comes off as hilarious--fake and very, very funny.

The new rookies in the department (in other words, the black guy) are asked by their lieutenant to go into 'the bad part of town' to get these hooligans to start hanging out at the new rec center. But, the thugs have contempt for the police, so the black guy heads their after his friend is beaten up and 'gets real with them' and eventually wins their hearts like Sidney Poitier won hearts in "To Sir, With Love"! It all ends with a funny scene with a guy who really over-emotes and sweats like he's been sitting in a sauna! To say this is fake and contrived is an understatement. To make it worse, it's not especially enjoyable or entertaining. Either my family was stupid (a distinct possibility) for watching the show or the show got a lot better.
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