Warm Bodies (2013)
Funny and Sweet, like Wall-E mixed with a zombie movie
7 February 2013
And they said you couldn't have a zombie romance story. Take that vampires!

The zombie R was surprisingly strong, but sensitive, sweet, loving, and protective. He wanted to talk to the pretty girl but had trouble finding the words, or at least vocalizing them. His determination and frantic antics were endearing.

Julie was not some wussy victim or brainless babe. It made me happy to see she was tough and could take care of herself. She had a rebellious streak that made her entertaining to watch and a softer affectionate side that showed itself with R.

I can honestly say I liked both characters and wanted to see them succeed.

I particularly enjoyed the scenes where R eats the brains and we saw more of Julie, her old boyfriend, her father, and how they all fit together. It was heart felt and well-done. The relationships and the complexity of them was less evident in the movie than in the book but I could still feel it. If you liked the movie I highly suggest reading the book, by the way.

Warm Bodies was well paced and acted, and one of the better zombie movies I have seen. Watch it, and provided you aren't dead inside, be overcome by it's cuteness!
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