Interesting Rehash Of Ghost Movies
30 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a big fan of horror movies; probably ghost movies more so than vampire and zombie flicks. I'm mostly cruising the horror aisle of my movie rental place up and down looking for haunted houses movies and slowly realizing that all horror movies are based on a limited number of horror film archetypes, so as years go by, it gets harder and harder to find horror movies that catch my interest. Enter: "Kill Katie Malone." The title alone is enough to make me read the synopsis, and if that catches my interest, I'm seeing it. It "stars" Dean Cain from "Lois and Clark," but he's actually in less than five percent of the movie for an opening tag and end prologue. The movie itself is about three college kids at a generic college who read about a ghost box that grants wishes on E-Bay, but since E-Bay may sue, they make up a site called "U-Bid." They really don't take the object seriously, but for some reason, they follow through in buying it. The main owner is Jim Duncan, but since his friends, Ginger and Dixie (whose nick-name is never explained) chip in to help him buy it, they become part owners. After getting and opening the box, which is a big mistake in addition to getting the box, they start experiencing haunting phenomenon and in the perimeter of their lives, people start vanishing or getting killed. The whole movie has shades of "The Possession" movie with the dybbuk, which was based on a true story revealed on the TV-Series, "Paranormal Experience." Masiela Lusa, the hot daughter from "The George Lopez Show," plays Ginger, and she's smoking hot now, which makes the movie worth a see. The special effects are impressive, but not as out-standing as they would have been for a bigger motion picture, but then the best horror movies aren't about gore or special affects. They're about atmosphere and top-notch performances, and while the performances here are good, the movie itself isn't that chilling or especially scary, but it does move along very well and doesn't stray from being logical or too incredible. While it's not a great movie, I do call it a good movie for serious horror enthusiasts, but while the dead heads might like the death scenes, they're not going to like the rest of it.
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