Oh...my...God...kill me now...
20 January 2013
The tag-line was, "He was 98 lbs of solid nerd until he became...THE TOXIC AVENGER"... The tag-line SHOULD have been, "Abandon hope, all ye who endeavor to watch this." (For those who have never read Dante's "Divine Comedy", this is based on the inscription above the gateway to Hell.)

The only reason I give this a 1 (awful) rating is because I can't go into negatives. Let us be brief.

Plot line: so-so, I suppose. To be honest, I could only stand the torture that is this film for about 15 minutes, give or take.

Acting: The little of it I saw was probably the WORST I HAVE EVER EXPERIENCED IN MY LIFE--AND THAT INCLUDES "SNAKE EATER"!

Effects: cheap even for the 80's, but that doesn't really make a difference; should you watch this (out of some masochistic sense that makes you feel that you need to be punished for some mortal sin), you will be far too distracted by the atrocious, horrendous, nauseating, mind-rotting, abominable, soul-sucking, make-you-doubt-the-existence-of- God, suicide-inducing, diabolically terrible "acting" to notice the effects.

Conclusion: upon your life...if you place any value whatsoever on your sanity...if there is even a shred of intelligence or taste within you...then DO NOT WATCH THIS! You may not live to warn others; the demons that live within it may drag you to Hell before you can escape!

You have been warned...
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