Scariest movie I have seen in awhile.
6 October 2012
While this movie is not original in its concept or story it still provides many decent scares. I see a lot of people criticizing the acting but I thought these people did a great job of playing everyday people who sign up for a reality show. Maybe I have not seen a lot of reality shows but it does not seem to me that you have to be a Shakespearean thespian to get on one. So the actors do a great job coming off as real people to me.

This film really does not bring anything fresh to the idea of shaky cam/ insane asylum horror stories. Many things in the movie I have seen before. However, even though many of the scares are not fresh and are predictable, the ways in which the cast and crew pull these moments off is more then satisfactory. There are many goose bump creating scares.

I have seen a lot of horror movies and grew up on horror movies. And while I am not scared after the movie I was very creeped out during the movie. If you watch this movie expecting it to be game changing and a brand new concept then you are going to be disappointed. If you are expecting this to be a movie which is non stop horror and quick pacing then you will be disappointed. This is a slow build movie that does a great job raising the fear level before leading to a memorable climax.

I gave this movie a 10 because I watched it with the intent of being scared and creeped out. And it did that successfully. Maybe it is just me but it seems horror movies now of days do not rely on scares anymore as much as they do gore. I would recommend this movie to anyone that wanted to see a movie that was actually creepy and who appreciates a good scare.
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