Decent Look at 2012
11 September 2012
2012: Science or Superstition (2009)

** 1/2 (out of 4)

Above average documentary gathers up experts, scientists and various others who all share their opinions on what's going to happen on December 21, 2012. Many scientist are saying it could be the end of the world while others speculate that perhaps it's just the end of a certain way of living. All of the theories and fears come from the Mayan calender, which ends on this date so the experts talk about where they came up with this date and why other factors point to something might happen. I've watched quite a few documentaries on the subject and the majority of them either want to tell the viewer to say their prayers because the world is coming to an end or they want to tell you that the Mayan calender is for idiots and that nothing is going to happen at all. I will give this film credit as they allow people from both sides to give their opinions so this gives a the viewer a better idea of things on both sides of the fence. As with most documentaries, I think a lot of people, myself included, are going to lose track of all the information given. There are a lot of numbers and signs that go into the Mayan calender so it's easy to get lost in everything. With that said, the documentary and those interviewed do a nice job at explaining everything and they do a good job at trying to lay out the time line of events that the Mayans thought things would happen.
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