Suspenseful film has you rooting for a felon!
15 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Often I go through the TCM listings and hit DVR record for films which might interest me later. This was one of those films, although I didn't expect much, and sort of assumed it might be one of those films that I'd delete after the first few minutes. It just didn't sound like my kind of film.

But, to my surprise, this is a good and very suspenseful film! Joseph Cotten plays a bank officer who suddenly gets the idea to rob his own bank and flee to Brazil because he learns there is no extradition treaty. He decides to take his wife (Teresa Wright). Can he get out of the bank with the boxes of cash? Can he get the passports in time? Can he make the air connections? When will his wife catch on that this is not a business trip? And then...well, I don't want to spoil the ending, so I'll stop there.

I noticed another of our reviewers claim that Joseph Cotten and Teresa Wright were merely character actors. That's not correct. No, they weren't Humphrey Bogart and Bette Davis, but for a time, they were extremely popular and appeared in a number of impressive movies. And, I wouldn't say this was a B picture. Much of it was filmed on location, including New Orleans. Interestingly, Cotten and Write had appeared together 9 years earlier as uncle and niece in Alfred Hitchcock's "Shadow Of A Doubt". Here, they are instead husband and wife.

My guess is that you'll like this film. It's different and it's suspenseful. Recommended.
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