Review of Leave

Leave (2011)
Psychological Twister
8 May 2012
From the very first sound in the film you are involved in unraveling a unique puzzle. There were so many questions racing through my mind as the film progressed that I was left debating the details internally over and over. The cast is obviously talented and you know them from lots of other project you love...Do yourself and everyone you love a favor and take them to see LEAVE. You will talk about it for days no matter what the situation. I mentioned it to my doctor the other sh*t. You will thank me as you continue to discuss for weeks and weeks. The director of this film was gracious enough to conduct a Q&A after the screening I attended and it's obvious he is meticulous in his craft as there are a lot of details seen, heard and written that need your full attention. If you love a great it is. Enjoy.
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