Review of The Telling

Alias: The Telling (2003)
Season 2, Episode 22
A fine end to the second season
17 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Just as Fake-Francie is about to kill Will the FBI burst into the room and take him into custody. It isn't long before he is free though as Sydney's mother sends the DNA records of the duplicate to the CIA and he is in the clear. The original DNA belonged to Allison Doren; a name Will remembers from somewhere... it turns out she was part of Operation Chistmas. They may know the name of the person but they still have no idea that she now looks like Francie. As a quid pro quo for the information Sydney's mother asks that the CIA raid a warehouse where Sloane had been storing all his Rambaldi artefacts, including many stolen from the NSA that the CIA hadn't been told about. While a team raids the warehouse Jack and NSA director Brandon escort the Rambaldi heart; their convoy is attacked and Sloane gets the heart and takes Jack with him... to make matters worse the warehouse had been cleared. The episode climaxes with Sydney fighting a now identified Allison and a cliff hanger that will leave viewers looking forward to the next series... or reaching for the next box set.

This was a good conclusion to the series with plenty of action; highlights being when Irina Derevko jumped from the top of a tall building to escape and the fight between Sydney and Allion. There acting was solid as one would expect, especially from Lena Olin who shows she can do action as well as more dialogue heavy scenes. It looks as if Amanda Foreman might become a regular as her character is getting closer to Marshall.
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