It's a bikini bore
14 April 2012
Tail-end Beach Party franchise starring one-time Gidget Deborah Walley and the terminally bland Tommy Kirk. Kirk plays a shameless, arrogant womaniser trying to dupe feminist Walley into going out with him by donning a nerd costume. After she exposes the ruse the pair contest a series of challenges (power boat race, running, skateboarding et al) to determine who is the dominant gender. Bobby Pickett and Suzie Kaye watch from the sidelines throughout as their best mates.

Overall, it's right down there with the abominable "Catalina Caper" for corniness and mediocrity, even by Beach Party standards. The only highlight is the early and prominent appearance of Sid Haig as "Daddy" a bee-hive bearded entrepreneur, a role that does anything but pre-empt his subsequent bikie image in the years ahead. Walley is bubbly and attractive, but her feminist leanings are managed very conservatively by director Rothman, a Roger Corman stable-hand whose credits also include the first "Student Nurses" instalment.

The often overcast conditions and Walley's hypothermic looking complexion do little to raise the temperatures of this tepid tale, with little to recommend except for some interesting personnel. If Walley, Haig or director Rothman hold no interest for you, and Bobby Pickett's "Monster Mash" isn't on your I-Pod, then doubtful there'll be much at all to keep you awake.
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