The concept was better than the result
13 April 2012
This movie is a mixed bag and more than a little disappointing. The well-known Brit TV comedy pair from Alas Smith and Jones (Mel Smith and Gryff Rhys-Jones) co-star here but sadly have almost no scenes together. The story concept is that aliens have landed on Earth who are just not very bright. Earthlings look to them for technological answers to our problems and/or the wisdom of higher beings, but, well, they're just not very bright, especially having mislaid their leader (Mel Smith) the one of them with half a clue. He spends half the movie trying to catch up with his group, although the script gives him very little interesting to do along the way. Meanwhile, the aliens have been revealed to the public and create a media sensation, leading greedy music management types to attempt to cash in on their fame, despite their having no talent, in addition to being just not very etc. etc. If it sounds like a one joke movie it is, and it works its one joke to death while generating few laughs. The result is rather slap-dash and unsatisfying - there are a few funny bits scattered here and there, but there seems to be the potential for a much better and funnier Brit Com in this concept than we ultimately get. I wanted to love this movie based upon the cast (musician Jimmy Nail also appears) and the title, but I didn't and I warn anybody considering watching it to lower expectations drastically.
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