Gets Old Fast (spoilers)
26 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This movie seems to be confused as to whether it was supposed to be an action movie or a comedy and fails to achieve either. It isn't really very funny at all and it drags too much to be exciting. It has other problems as well.

The jokes try to hard to be hip and end up being just plays on stereotypes. For example, in a misguided attempt to look cool one of the characters punches a guy for being nerdy. The victim mistakenly believes he was punched because he is black and gay which makes the cop look uncool. In another example, throughout the movie the head of the jump street program acts like a stereotypical bad tempered black cop, even calling himself that. It is vaguely amusing the first time, but the next umpteen times it gets a little lame as do the frequent jokes about the guys not looking like teenagers. The visual and verbal humor are like this through the whole movie.

The movie portrays alcohol and drug use as a funny joke. It shows scenes of the cops high on the supposedly deadly drug they are supposed to be in high school stopping. It shows them buying booze for an underage party and it's supposed to be funny because they have to use false IDs. It shows them stealing marijuana from the evidence lockup to share with the kids. I know it's a comedy not a message movie, but this is just not funny. To top it off, they don't even get reprimanded for any of the illegal things they do from giving drugs to minor to engaging in a high speed chase on a freeway, to reckless discharge of firearms, to taking further police actions when technically fired.

The action is boring. The interminably long scenes of bicycle, car, and limousine chases do not even begin to liven up this bomb. They are not interesting.

The juvenile behavior the two leads exhibit ruins any dramatic elements of the movie. They don't act like two adults pretending to be kids, they act more like two kids pretending to be cops.

I used to watch the 21 Jump Street series and it was a serious drama about serious issues like homosexual bullying, drugs, suicide, and peer pressure. It may have been a little soap operish at times, but it was dramatic and interesting. I think it deserved more respect than this.
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