Review of Grotesque

The X-Files: Grotesque (1996)
Season 3, Episode 14
The Epi-Tomb of The X-Files
14 February 2012
What I mean is, this Episode is The Epitome of The X-Files.

"If you want to know an artist, you have to look at his art...

If you want to catch a monster, you have to become one yourself"

This episode succeeds, rather than fails, to portray what Mulder does best: Profiling. But the person he is profiling here is not a human being, or at least not one individual. In that sense what we have here was originally explored in the feature film "The Hidden" and by that token, this story is very similar to the one in that film.

Mulder begins to understand how this - Entity? Thinks - And by doing so, is able to locate it, and capture it. But in doing so he alienates Skully, Skinner, and everyone around him. This is a Mulder that is in no way pleasant or humorous to see, and even after watching the episode four times, there were places where I just hit the ceiling - Chris Carter knows how to show true Horror- And that Horror can be Mundane, Or Fantastic. In this episode, there are places of both.

This shows David Duchovney as Mulder, BEING Mulder, doing exactly what Mulder does. If any episode of this show defined the character of Mulder, this one is it.

This Episode is exactly what the X-Files is about, the true roots of the series. Although most fans of the show think that Mulder's quest is to find his Alien-Abducted Sister Samantha, they are missing the point of The X- Files.

There IS a lot going on in the Ep, but it is the focusing on Mulder going deeper and deeper into that dark place, that grounds the viewer.

This is also why I say, that this Episode is a lot like the 2nd X-Files feature "I want to Believe"- And most of the fans who call themselves fans of the show, who hated that film, are not true fans, because from the top they DON'T get it.

They ask "Where are the Aliens" - And the answer is, The X-Files was NEVER About Aliens, it was about Mulder - Even the seasons where John Dogget was looking for him.

Fox Mulder was Affected by an incident when he was a child, which he was shown under hypnosis that his sister Samantha was taken away into a Bright Light. This is not the point of the show - The Point of the show always was, how this affected him, even when he did not KNOW it was affecting him.

And this was why he was so good at Profiling, because he was driven by a Dark Design even before he knew about it.

This episode, which is right in the middle of the series, or rather, at the end of the first third of the series, I'm sure was put in by Carter to show us, THIS is what Mulder is all about, and THIS is how he works.
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