25 Watts (2001)
25 Watts
30 December 2011
The DVD case likens this to "a Spanish language SLACKER" which isn't entirely off, but it reminded me more of CLERKS or STRANGER THAN PARADISE. The thing is, I don't like any of the films I just mentioned. Rudderless youths hanging around, whoop-de-friggin-do. Watching TV, being bored, meeting mildly oddball characters, smoking pot, talking about their girl troubles, blah blah blah. Fortunately, I did kind of like these three guys. They have a fun rapport, busting each other's balls and so forth. Some of the situations and conversations are fairly amusing... but others aren't. The raw black & white cinematography is a familiar route for this milieu, and it services the film well enough. But Rebello and Stoll indulge in a number of stylistic choices that I found more annoying than clever: 360-degree camera spins, quick cutaways, interior monologues. It's the sort of thing that screams "directorial debut". There were parts of the film I enjoyed, but not enough to give it a very strong recommendation.
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