Review of 2:37

2:37 (2006)
30 December 2011
I watched this movie at the listening and pronunciation lesson. This movie really touched me. This film that leaves a big impact on its' viewers. At 2.37 one afternoon starts with blood coming from under a door and a student commits suicide in the toilets .We do not learn who it is until the end of the film. But there are several candidates. The plot unfolds in flashback. The film takes place over one school day leading up to the events of the beginning. This school is pretty typical. As we see the lives of many students it becomes apparent they all have a reason to hurt themselves or each other. Pregnancy, wetting yourself , homosexuality, incest all come into play as the motives. It also seems melodramatic as everybody has a problem. The ones don't speak up that have the real problems. It is a film about being selfish and not noticing the lives and problems of those around you. I actually think most people in High School at some stage feel invisible, ignored and unwanted. These events can be in every school; especially in high schools. Because students are many problems during their adolescences. About soundtrack, it was both haunting and terrifying when the chatter of the school ground rang out over the music.Some scenes are a little hard to watch, in particular the five-minute-long suicide scene. The ending is so shocking, and so what one would not expect. Even though it finishes up with sadness, I like this film .If one asks me about this movie, I strongly advise it.
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