Well Done Gory take on a Taboo Subject
22 September 2011
English tourists Tom and Evelyn are traveling in Spain. The town they want to stay in is overcrowded so they decided to go to an island that Tom knows of about 4 hours off the coast. When they get to the island they discover that there are no adults on the island, only children. They soon realize that they are trapped on the island and that the children have killed all the adults. Now they must fight and kill the angry mob of children before they are killed themselves.

OK, so I was watching a video on youtube with Eli Roth where he talks about his five favorite films. He mentioned this film on his list and I was intrigued. I had never heard of it before so I started doing a little research. The film was made in 1976 and for a long time was almost impossible to find anywhere. Then in 2007 it was released on DVD by Dark Sky Films.

The movie is extremely well done for its time and budget. It was a very risqué film at the time since it dealt with a taboo subject matter, killing children. This is 8 years before Children of the Corn and while I have no proof of it I have a hard time believing Stephen King didn't use this movie as inspiration. Unlike, COTC however, this movie doesn't have any religious undertones.

I was pretty blown away by this film. It's truly creepy without being overly gory and it definitely sticks with you for a while afterwards. This is not a film for everyone. There are some scenes in the beginning of film that show documentary footage of children in concentration camps, starving in India, etc. This was done by the director to supposedly explain why the children decided to rise up against the adults but I found it a bit gratuitous and unnecessary.

If you are horror fan, or someone who just looking for something different to watch, then I recommend checking this one out.

On a side note I saw that they had planned on doing a remake of this film back in 2008. It was going to be called In the Playground and had a Director (David Alcade) and star (Diego Luna) all lined up. I even found a poster for the film. It doesn't look like this film was ever made though, and I can't find any record of it on IMDb.
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