Murder most Foul
13 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** Perry Mason, Raymond Burr, just recovering from a minor heart-attack is all over the place here in "The Case of the Notorious Nun". Perry ends up even resorting to gun-play in getting the soon to take her final vows Sister Margaret,Michele Green,off on a 1st degree murder charge. Sister Margaret was arrested in the murder of the handsome and a bit boring and nothing seemly to excite him, even in him being murdered, Father Thomas O'Neil, Timothy Bottoms. That's when he was found murdered after what looked a stoned on mind altering drugs Father O'Neil and Sister Margaret had a midnight rendezvous at his hotel room hours just before his body was discovered by a hotel attendant.

We in the audience know right away that Sister Margaret was set up by this phony Father Logan, Hagan Beggs, who's actually a hit-man in disguise! It's that Father O'Neil was getting too close to who was behind selling off the church's real-estate holdings at dirt cheap prices and had to be silenced before he made it public. It's now up to Perry Mason and his in house private detective Paul Drake Jr played by actress, who plays Perry's private secretary Stella Street, Barbara Hale's real life son William "Kitty" Katt to find out who was behind Father O'Neil's murder.

We have Perry uncover all the hidden secrets that's going on in the church that lead to Father O'Neil's murder. It was Father O'Neil himself ,looking like he was drugged, Who was forced by his murderer to implicate Sister Margaret in a letter he wrote before he was knocked off. This had to do with what we can call a crime of opportunity on Father "Hit-Man" Logan's part in setting up Sister Margaret in Father O'Neil's murder by making it look like it was the result of a lover's quarrel between the two. This all played well for a while for Father Logan and those who hired him to knock off Father O'Neil. That's until Father Logan was discovered to be a fraud as well as ending up getting murdered himself, in order to shut him up, by the person or persons who hired him to murder Father O'Neil!

Still with enough evidence to exonerate Sister Margaret in Father O'Neil's murder the both mentally and logically challenged local D.A Michael Reston, David Ogden Stiers as well cop in charge of the Father O'Neil murder investigation former sergeant and now promoted, probably by paying off, to lieutenant Ed Brock,James McEachin insist on inditing Sister Margaret on a 1st degree murder charge! A charge so flimsy and full of holes that she'll very probably end up beating with the great Perry Mason,who never lost a case, being her defense attorney!

***SPOILER*** The very predictable ending is a bit of a disappointment in that the man who was behind Father O'Neil's murder,by hiring Father Logan as the hit-man, never had a chance to get on the witness stand. And at the same time have Perry with his masterful cross-examination tactics break him down and force him to confess to his crime. It was his partner in crime who broke down and spilled the beans on him as well as himself when he saw that the jig was up as Perry was about to cross-examine him!
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