Review of Empty

Empty (I) (2011)
Her Dad was RIGHT
2 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, I love the premise. America (probably all of America, North and South) runs out of gas and people will be all over the place WHEN it happens.

BUT, that is NOT the REAL premise of the movie, the REAL premise is that a guy and his girlfriend are having relationship issues that mostly revolve around the fact the girl's father does NOT like the boyfriend.

As almost EVERYBODY here said, can the two of them not have a conversation that does NOT end in an argument? I'm sorry but the premise breaks down when the two of them don't bother to buy into it right from the beginning.

They is NO GAS anywhere. The ONLY vehicle with gas is theirs and what is left in their tank. POWER goes out and they treat it as some little minor inconvenience. (Well, in fact, it was, because it seemed the power came back on at times during the filming of the movie.) They find out from their various relatives that they are in for at least 3 months of this but instead of trying to do some long-term planning on how they will survive, they act as though they're on some little "outing" somewhere.

******SPOILER******* Obviously, Piper's dad was right because the ONLY reason Dell picked up the gun was to use it in some psychotic rage at the end of the movie, instead of using it on either the knife-wielding car jacker or the thieves who stole their food.

I'm sorry but some kind of thought should have been given to WHAT would you do WHEN it happens. This whole production reminded me of what a couple of rich college kids would shoot if mommy and daddy financed their "brilliant" production. Give this a PASS because in reality, EMPTY is not about the gas tank, it's a reference to the quality of the script.
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