Review of Empty

Empty (I) (2011)
Great Concept turned into utter tripe
23 August 2011
I watch movies, especially B movies. I admit I am a glutton for punishment because I love zombie flicks and most of them are horrible. I find good in almost every movie I watch. This movie has nothing to make it redeemable.

But, no zombie movie I have ever seen (and that includes the Italian zombie flicks) approached the movie "Empty" for absolutely trash. The lead female (Ashley C. Williams) might be able to act, but she never demonstrates it here. The lead male needs to find a line of work that has nothing to do with show business for he never even approached being a believable character.

They had a basic idea of societal breakdown following a lack of gasoline worldwide, which has many opportunities for great story but they found none of them. Both "Piper" and "Dell" are utterly unlikeable characters who spend the entire time demonstrating zero charisma or chemistry. The female lead has lines written to show her as a vapid silly little twit, as an example, she begs her boyfriend to stop hitting the guy who just attacked them and (for a young broke couple) throws money away like a Hilton-Heiress while her boyfriend is presented as a jobless loser with a chip on his shoulder the size of Texas and the reasoning ability of a drunken pre-teen. Both of them take every dangerous path, every ignorant path and every self-damaging path they are offered.

Both of them treat each other like enemies rather than lovers or friends, and the male lead is basically a whiny child. While watching this movie I kept hoping they would both be tortured to death graphically for hours so I could enjoy their karmic reward but it never happens. It is reported that this movie had a budget of US$10000, and I have to assume they spent USD$9999 of it on getting drunk enough to make them think it was worth doing.

IMDb shows it as having a rating of 4.7/10 from 176 users, I have to assume that over 100 of those votes came from the family and friends of the cast and crew.
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