Moving piece about much more than war
11 July 2011
Most people who reviewed this movie seemed to like it. One guy felt it was about old people and the other thought it was pro-war. This movie is about getting old and wanting to feel like you're making a difference and not just waiting for death. There's a quote that fits this from the movie, "You'll rust a lot faster than you'll wear out." And so you follow these three people as they get up at all hours of the night to meet troop planes.

There was a husband and wife team who made the film and the guy's mother is Joan, which I guess is how they got to be known. And I'm glad they were. Documentaries are amazing because they give you access into people's lives that you would never have otherwise gotten. Closer than you are to your friends. In one scene, it feels like you're watching Bill sleep. Getting so close to people makes you feel like you want to help them and know more about them, and I wish they had more on the website with updates. Especially on the niece of the director who is a helicopter pilot. And an attractive one, at that.
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