Review of Respire

Respire (2010)
A nice effort
14 May 2011
Budget and limited thespians weigh down this otherwise very entertaining supernatural chiller.

A young woman suffers from a terminal disease. During the course of her work, she meets a man who asks her to auction a mysterious box for him. When she takes the box home, she opens it and literally breathes new life into herself....with dire consequences.

Tracy Teague is a one-expression actress and has a tough time carrying the movie the whole way through. Fortunately, a cast of interesting supporting characters keep us on out toes, and the director definitely knows how to keep the pace going.

Except for a couple of murders and the climactic carnage, the movie is short on grue but high on suspense. Budget restrictions does show, especially in the ending, but it never looks cheap. Although the twists are predictable, I found myself smoking only 1 cigarette throughout, which is my own barometer for good entertainment. Recommended.
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