Review of Late Spring

Late Spring (1949)
Highly recommended for people who are interested in post-war Japan or good films in general.
12 May 2011
Late Spring was a very touching and profound film for me and a great example of a movie which tells its story more visually than with its narrative. This is something I appreciated very much as I do think Japanese films can sometimes have the tendency to spell things out a little too blatantly. It tells a story of marriage, not just between people, but between cultures, reflecting the rapid Westernization which Japan was experiencing during the period that this film was made. The way people sit, their furniture and the clothes they wear are all very important in showing where every character stands in this marriage between the old and the coming new during each scene. Good examples of this, which show the change taking place, are the contrast between the very first scene and the very last scene, as well as the two separate scenes which take place at the same bar. I really enjoy a film like this, for which you have to use a bit of thought to figure out what it's trying to get across, yet doesn't drive you completely crazy like for example 2001: A Space Odyssey.
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