Breaking In (2011–2012)
I'll allow it
7 April 2011
I don't watch many comedies. It isn't that I don't like them, its that I don't like them enough to tune in every week.

But I thought I'd give this show a try just because the premise sounded interesting. It isn't about 20-somethings sharing an apartment or a middle class family with quirky neighbors.

What I found was a little bit different than what I'd expected. Instead of an office comedy (with the office being portrayed that of a security firm instead of an advertising firm or lawyers) this is a comedy about people doing oddball 'security' jobs, they remind me a lot of the characters from Sneakers (Robert Redford, Sidney Poitier, Dan Akroyd, 1992).

Christian Slater - playing Oz, a Skymall obsessed security expert who reminds me a lot of the Robert Redford character in Sneakers, he motivates his employees with a mixture of blackmail and heart tugging personal stories (which I suspect will mostly be lies carefully crafted to elicit the required response).

Bret Harrison playing Cameron - the most recent addition to the company. He's the computer tech and sadly, I found all his geek cred to be lame and not terribly believable. I suspect the writers need to spend more time on Reddit. But he has an undeniable charm and his missteps lead to hilarious situations.

Oddette Anable as Melanie. She plays the sexy bad girl and possible love interest of Cameron. I know, I know, it's a trope - wild girl + geek = interesting romance, but gosh darn it if I don't love it to pieces EVERY darn time.

The most hilarious bit in the show was a brief moment with Dutch, Melanie's boyfriend who has a questionable job(aptly played by Michael Rosenbaum, Smallville's Lex Luthor, gasp, I didn't recognize him with hair!).

All in all, I liked the show and hope it does well enough to iron out the little problems with geek jokes and the occasional moments of overly scripted dialogue.

What I'd like to see is more character development, a multi episode story arc and more time with Dutch, Cash and Oz, my three fave characters. Also, they should spend more time with Melanie and Cameron, so we can find out what else he likes about her besides her being a sexy safe cracker.
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