Real science debunks 9-11 panel report
8 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I have seen many documentaries of the events of 9-11-01, but this is by far the best, most convincing video of the horrific disaster. Intellectually I have always suspected that the official story was wrong, in this video there is "smoking gun" proof that the official version is wrong.

Richard Gage gives new meaning to the term power point presentation. He coalesces the research of many scientists, architects and other professionals into a talk that the average layman can understand. One hallmark of genius is the ability to take a complex topic, such as physics, and explain it in a way that makes sense, without the use of excessive insider terminology, or jargon. Richard does a great job of this. For those who wish to learn more, there are numerous web sites and other resources listed. These people are scientists, not conspiracy theorists. The presentation has the ring of truth to it.

2800 dead on 9-11, this incident was the pretext for both the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq- to route Al Qaeda, remember? Over 910,000 dead so far in Afghanistan and Iraq, including over 5,800 of our own men and women.

For one evening I implore you- turn off the noise, you know, the sports, the neverending Idol crap and and ask a question that really matters- What kind of a country are we leaving to our kids? Write your representatives and demand a real investigation.

The truth eventually comes out, but we need to turn the light on in the dark room NOW and see where the infestation is, before its too late, if not already.
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