A fascinating and brilliant entry into the independent film genre!
17 January 2011
Marvin Faulkner and crew, through a provocative story of murder and corruption, have provided a realistic look at a number of life's existential issues – from the impact of deeply felt grief to the need to find purpose in life. This film is quite profound and engaging. In fact, each time I view it, new details emerge that add to the story's complexities and meaning. The quality of the film itself, including the directing and visual effects, is surprisingly excellent. Clearly, a great deal of time and care went into the writing and creating of this important work. Also, a special treat on the DVD is the very moving music video featuring the amazing voice of Ali Faulkner. I have to say it is rare these days to discover a film that is true to life but also offers a spiritual perspective without sermonizing. Faulkner's movie touched me unlike any other in recent years. A true gem.
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