Goodness me..
22 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I want 90 minutes of my life back after watching this pure and utter rubbish.

Whilst Asian and Jamaicans between the ages of 9 and 40 might be horrified to learn that people outside of London really don't give a sun dried dingleberry about how 'cool' it is to be a 'gangsta',deal in drugs and sleep with free prostitutes, quiet by accident this film shows all that is wrong with Britain today. Whilst these gangs do exist in some form or another, clearly this film is the director living out a fantasy that he cannot or doesn't have the guts to peruse.

Herein lies the charm of this film,however..the director clearly meant this to be a ' look at how cool it is to be black/Asian gangsta from London ', but what it does articulate very clearly is that only an imbecile would agree with the director. The acting is plain rubbish,the story line cringeworthy and the moralistic bromance ( no doubt drive by one of those ethical 'gangsta codes') is incredibly toe curling.

If you want violence for the sake of violence, then you might get a kick out of this. If, however, you want a good old giggle about how 'cool' jamiacan and Asian gangs perceive THEMSELVES to be...then you might wet your pants laughing.

This film is utterly hideous. I still want my 90 minutes of my life back...yeah, bruv?
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