The Almost 100 lives....
8 November 2010
I remember watching this show when I was a kid. I'm 29 now so I was 10 when the show aired originally, and was EXCITED each week when it would come on. I think the concept was solid for a kids show, but they aimed it at a PG-13 audience, and that made it take it's self too seriously. The older people who would watch it yawned at the overly simplistic predictable plots. I could tell the show was doomed when, (and to condense the concept as quick as I can.) the main "living" character (whose name I forget) was a bad man, and ran away from the U.S. government to the Caribbean. While he was there he moved into a castle, and in that castle lived a pirate ghost who had killed 100 people. Now to atone for those deaths he must save 100 lives, but since he's dead he's unable to do this. So, the con artist American, to atone for his own past, now worried that he is going to hell because of what Jack Savage has told him of the afterlife, decides to help Jack save lives, so they can bypass purgatory together, and live happily ever after in heaven with all the people they screwed over/killed! (Isn't Christianity's atonement/forgiveness policy fantastic!?) Now that isn't the part where it got crappy. They actually had a decent concept for a show. (Remember this is the time when Tween weapon wielding amphibians were uber popular. So, it wasn't the concept that was the selling point for a show, but how interesting they could make the content.) The problem with this particular show was that they had like a 6 episode run or so before I lost interest, and they had already saved 2 people's lives TWICE. so in 6 episodes they had to swoop to the rescue of two moronically inept individuals two different times for two different reasons. Which leads you to question how these two people had managed to stay alive prior to the evil pirate and con-artist McGee moving to the island then going on penance patrol in their super boat. Anyways, I digress it seems the writers were out to lunch, and the viewers followed. So, I give the show a 4 out of 10. It was fun, and exciting as a ten year old, but they probably had some retard director/producer/head writer that was chopping off the good character development and concepts for the sake of generic mediocrity. I hope Jack made it out of hell, because God knows his show didn't.
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