It should have been called - Breaking the Ice.
30 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not sure if there are 'spoilers' in here but I am not giving the away the ending or anything.

Perhaps it should have been called - Breaking the ice. Without the Slapshot 2 moniker... Had that happened- I think people would not be comparing it to the original.

In order to appreciate this film- one has to think of the original Slapshot movie as band doing a debeut record. Then the band splits up and retains the main songwriter with new members and a different idea. Therefore- the second film is a 're invention' of that artist- doing something different from the first record.

Enter 2010. I have had this movie for 7 years, I've watched it three times.

First time I watched it back in '03- I felt the movie was nothing like the original and that it sucked like the majority of reviewers say...

Seven years later- third time viewing it and from a different perspective and an open mind- its not that bad of a movie. I'll give it 7 of 10 stars. Yes there are elements from the first that are not there but that doesn't mean its worth only 1 star. So we'll subtract three for various elements that are missing.

However- it still remains an independent type of film. The movie itself was NOT designed to be a blockbuster. I think that's the problem people have- they expect this thing to be off the hook hockey and nothing but it and want it to be like the original slapshot. To put it simply- breaking the ice was appended to the Slapshot moniker- for a reason.

Steven Baldwin's role as the coach does parallel some to Paul Newman's role in a certain sense. And the movie is full of Baldwin (Linden) playing mindgames with the team and the suit and tie types- as in the first one. You've got a character in Palmberg that resembles Moe a little bit with his high libido... a psychopath in a goalie much much worse than Dennis Lemeiux and the list goes on and on.

Yes- the Hansons are present and used sparingly. It is wise that they are not the main focal point of the movie as then it would be more of a comedy hour tour than resemble some sort of a movie. Don't get me wrong- we all love the Hansons...

So to summarize: To like and appreciate this movie, one has to watch it a few times- get into the mindset of the characters and what's going on. There is a plot- I don't agree with people who 'poke holes in it kindergarten style'... one could say that of the first film so in that sense- that it still retains the childlike antic and spirit of fun the first film has within it.

Slapshot 2 is an acquired taste- then again- hockey is a game that is an acquired taste as well...

If there were to be a third movie, that would make more sense and then people would perhaps- finally understand the idea- to make each film different from the first. Different scenario and plot, and of course the hansons return with a completely- different cast.

Slapshot III - the chiefs take on Bettman's no fighting league- Would be a perfect example of what I am trying to get at in this description/review. I hope maybe it turns a new light on the film for some of the haters out there. Slapshot 2 still a fun hockey-related movie and I would recommend it for at least for one view. I mean come on- do we really want hockey to wind up being like the Omaha Ice Breakers and sold out to the corporation moguls? :) Crack a cold one and have a few laughs with your friends.
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