A Matter of Taste
28 October 2010
This entry in the Hoppy series is pretty much a matter of taste. There's not much hard- riding or fast-shooting; however, the Lone Pine locations do provide some good big rock scenery. Also, the plot's a little different. Saloon owner Mawson is feuding with both rival saloon owner Davis and with schoolmarm Abott who can't teach with a saloon next door. When Abott mysteriously disappears, Hoppy and the boys investigate.

The entry may be a little short of action, but the dialog and interplay between characters is better than usual. Anne O'Neal is excellent as the spinsterish schoolmarm with several good throwaway lines— (On their first meeting), Hoppy, "My name is Hopalong Cassidy". Schoolmarm, "That's not my fault. Maybe you should change it !".

The ending is also something of a departure and surprise. Then too, I suspect the series was aiming for both a change of pace and a story more directly involving kids (here, it's the amusing school kids). Lucky (Rand Brooks) has his usual mock romance, this time with a dimpled saloon girl (Chapman). Nonetheless, I think the series lost a lot when Russell Hayden withdrew from the cast as Lucky. He was so good at being moonstruck in these romantic situations.

Anyway, this rather offbeat 60-minutes in the Hoppy series is short on action but long in other departments, and remains largely a matter of taste.
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