Boring, Cheap and Unengaging
20 September 2010
A wife witnesses her husband killed by two thugs. After they drop a cell phone, she decides to take matters into her own hands and track them down. Of course, things get a little crazy when you also have the police involved, and a pair of men posing as government agents.

This film is a failure. I see many praising comments online, but I don't know if these are from the cast and their friends or what. While there are a few redeeming moments, the bulk of this film is just bland and forgettable... I would easily sell my copy off if anyone would buy it. For a revenge flick, this thing is pretty tame.

The scenery is disgraceful. It seems like every scene is shot in the same white room with a few odds and ends switched about between takes. A flag here, a lamp there... it does not come across as real at all. This might wok on the stage, but not in a film. The acting is just as bad as the scenery or worse. The gun shop owner (Mary Mooney) is terrible and the lead (Blanche Baker) is an emotionless, monotone mess. When the two share screen time ,you will want to claw your eyes out. Gervase Peterson can at least say this was not his worst film, since he also appeared in "Hell's Threshold". I'm still waiting to regrow my lost brain cells from that trash.

So, what are the redeeming parts? Basically, the two cops. They can actually act, and banter well. The discussion about the double latte recalled the scene in "Pulp Fiction" about the Royale with Cheese. I could watch a whole film of these guys debating coffee, just so long as they are not interrupted by anyone else who appeared in this film. I also like the use of the names O'Bannon and Frankenheimer, which I have to assume are intentional tips of the hat to these classic film legends. Nice homage, guys.

The Philadelphia Bulletin says that this is "a nice twist on the often-used male revenge thriller." I think that reviewer does not know movies very well. While there are male revenge thrillers, I have found that the female ones have always stood out more. Think "Kill Bill" or "I Spit on Your Grave", for example. This so-called "nice twist" has been around a long time now.

Anyway, even if you have the opportunity to see this film for free like I did, just don't. It's a waste of your time. I quickly ejected it and put in Lucky McKee's "The Woods" to rinse my senses of such stupidity. If you are smart, you will put the right movie in the first time.
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