Mediocre, sometimes just annoying
26 August 2010
(Warning: This Review May Contain Spoilers) (It may also contain comments about the movie ) 5 out of 10 because while this movie is watchable, I will avoid watching it again.Most of the movie felt forced, like an amateur stand up comedian who's act is slowly dieing on stage. The movie was basically just a flashy tribute to the book on which it is based and the only things that draw's the viewers attention is the ability to see classic children's story come to life, and to see what it would be like for the weather to be made of food. Many of the jokes were repetitive to the point of annoyance, including the "saying what I'm doing" montages. The first one got a chuckle from me, but I thought "well, that was okay, but I hope they don't try to do it again". Unfortunately, they did. Most of the characters were unlovable, except for possibly the dad, who's inability to use technology or to express his emotions will inevitable get some sympathy from the audience. The main character and his 'love interest' were both shallow and annoying and showed no depth nor development of character. The only thing genuinely funny was hearing the monkey's thought-comments occasionally throughout the movie. The effect was somewhat reminiscent of GIR from Invader Zim, in the cute brainless robot monkey sort of way. Overall, it seems the only point of the plot was as excuse to visualize different forms of food-weather such as an Ice-cream Christmas and Spaghetti Tornado. Of course you might say this is the only point of the original book as well. I must admit, I am being a bit harsh as I was looking forward to this movie and was quite unimpressed. But this seems to be the trend with movies these days. Movies are a business and good writing doesn't sell tickets as well as flashy CGI.
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