Poirot: Mrs McGinty's Dead (2008)
Season 11, Episode 1
Artsy-Fartsy Accuracy
3 July 2010
This episode is in my view the worst in the Poirot series that I have seen. Other reviewers rave about how accurate the story is and this may be so, but I am deeply disturbed by the cinematography of this and a few other episodes. The producers of the series have expressed their desire to make the movie-length episodes more gloomy than the shorts from the 1990s. They have succeeded so well that I find it hard to enjoy Mrs McGinty's Dead and some of these other ones. Scene changes give me headaches, camera angles pain my eyes, the background music seems slapped on without too much care. All to show how avant-garde the director is, I suppose. A little less artsy-fartsy cinematography would make the episode no less gloomy and disturbing but would keep it watchable. The episode only scores a 5 because David Suchet is an old friend as Poirot.
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