Tiger Fangs (1943)
Old and pudgy Frank Buck takes on the Nazis!!
10 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Frank Buck was a man who created a persona of a big game hunter whose motto was "bring 'em back alive". In other words, instead of shooting the animals like most hunters, he specialized in bringing exotic Asian animals back for circuses and zoos. He was moderately successful in films by various small studios as well as with an animal act with Ringling Brothers.

In this film, Frank goes to Southeast Asia to investigate the maulings of natives in the vicinity of the rubber plantations needed for the war effort. Eventually, Frank learns that evil Nazis are behind the maulings in hope to disrupt the Allies.

Overall, the word that came to mind when I watched this film was 'cheap'! The budget by schlock studio PRC was obviously minuscule--as there were really very few actors in the film and a very large amount of stock footage was used. The problem was not just the overuse of the footage, but some animals were NOT Asian (such as Chimps) and some was obviously originally silent footage as it ran too fast when used with a sound film (because silent films ran between 16-22 frames per second whereas sound always runs at 24 frames per second). The overall effect is craptastic to say the least--especially combined with awkward acting and writing. The bottom line is that it's a rather dull film and hardly worth your time unless you really, really like bad films!
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