Lower than low rent
26 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Boy, this one is realllllllllllly a chore to sit through. I am glad I read up on the film here, though, because when I watched it I thought Oosh's brother was "Doosh." It sure sounds like that on the soundtrack. I'm kind of sorry he wasn't; Oosh and Doosh are perfect names for these two. The film: if there is any way at all to shoot car chases imaginatively, this crew didn't find it. Long, lame set-ups to gags: a house is being hauled down the road with a drunk hillbilly asleep inside, on a dirty pallet. Cut to the weed haulers and the cop cars. Cut back to the hillbilly, who twitches in his sleep. Cut back to the weed haulers. Cut back to the hillbilly. Gee, I wonder if the weed haulers will crash through the house, and the drunk hillbilly will wake up to find the house in pieces? He's bound to have a really funny reaction to that. Look, they crashed through the house and the hillbilly woke up. Other things to love: the drug kingpin who wears a little businessman's hat inside his house -- the pot plane ballad, sung over the freeze-framed plane at the end -- the pilot telling Oosh and Doosh (sorry, that's his ideal name), "Now, I'm going to get to the meat of the coconut!" as he lays out his big scheme.
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