Top notch Tarantino material
25 December 2009
He does it again. The king of blood and gore once again proves that he can keep audiences entertained for almost 2 and a half hours. Inglourious Basterds is a Tarantino classic in many aspects. One, it offers plenty of violence and bloodshed. From Start to finish, heads are blown off, people are shot fatally and scalps are cut off gruesomely. Second, it has Brad freakin' Pitt. Tarantino movies always have one or two stars and a million up and coming actors. In this case, Pitt and Roth shine out while the rest of the supporting cast do an outstanding job of portraying their minor roles (not to forget Melanie Laurent.) Third thing is, the direction is wonderful. The sound effects, the camera shots, all the cinematographic aspects are excellent.

In short, Tarantino's Inglourious Basterds is an exhilarating action flick that is full of entertainment from start to finish.
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