Necroville (2007)
I've never seen a vampire killed that way before...
4 November 2009
In this low budget horror buddy comedy, two friends get jobs with Zom-B-Gone, a pest removal service that deals with the undead and the supernatural. (Mainly vampires, zombies, and werewolves.) At the same time, a master vampire has moved into Necroville... can Jack and Alex deal with this new threat at a time when Jack's relationship with his deadbeat girlfriend demands more and more of his attention?

I enjoyed this film much more than I thought I would. It was obviously shot on video with a shoestring budget and few experienced actors, however the main characters were engaging and the story (especially the world the film imagines) fairly interesting. And I laughed more than once.

Makeup effects weren't too bad, but it would have been nice if more of the movie had taken place at night instead of in broad daylight. Perhaps the lighting budget made more night scenes impossible. I wasn't a fan of the cgi effects, but thankfully they were used rather sparingly except for one scene.

I've seen a lot of low-budget, shot-on-video movies and this is the first such film in a long while that has stuck with me after viewing, let alone that I made it to the end of.

And there should be a law against fat goth chicks being in these types of movies. And yes, I know it's rare to find any other kind these days...
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