Not Very Good
24 October 2009
It's not the bad acting, bad dubbing, or misleading title (there are no vampires in the film) that got me. It was the terrible script. As the ships crash on the planet they are subjected 40 times the acceleration of gravity. This should have killed everyone on board. Apparently after filming this someone must have realized that everyone would be dead so the doctor mentions how weird it is that everyone survived. Later, when the origin of the weirdness is explained, nothing that is revealed actually explains why the crushing gravity didn't crush them.

The captain is a complete idiot. There's weird things going on, deadly things, and he keeps leaving people on guard duty alone. Even when they disappear or die, he leaves them alone.

When he investigates a downed alien ship he and one of the women get trapped aboard. He figures out how to open the door, but the whole sequence makes no sense. Why would aliens use that particular technology to open a door? At one point we see that the humans have communicators on their wrists. That would have been useful to have earlier and later in the movie. They also have some kind of flame/laser rifle that disappear from scenes without explanation.

There are two plot twists at the end of the movie. One was kind of cute, but the other didn't make any sense within the explanation of how the vampires function.
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