boring monster
21 October 2009
In Europe every geek is searching for this movie, still unreleased and OOP over here but in the states it was available on VHS. So it was easy to get me a copy of the so much spoken movie Slithis. Well, to say the least, nothing really happens, but why does it has his following. There is almost no gore in it, can even say there isn't any, and there is just one breast available in his glory but you have to watch closely. The movie started out well with the slomo of two kids finding a cadaver of a dog, eaten as it is. But then a teacher got involved and tries to find out what really happened, the cops say it was a killing by some cult, he doesn't believe it and with some help of his friends he's after Slithis. The next 70 minutes we will have scene's way too long, a lot of blah blah, and a lot of trash. Only the last 15 minutes the creature appears again. His look, the way he attacks, the blood, all in a sleazy way. What I would like to say, if you are into sleaze and likes Humanoids From The Deep than this is something for you. Otherwise leave it.
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