Sensationalistic claptrap
17 May 2009
This sensationalistic and lurid look into one of the oldest fraternal organizations is brought to us by the same production company that brought us "Sluts: The Documentary." Unfortunately, that does tell us something. Although much of what is ultimately revealed is accurate, the myth and innuendo presented along the way make this presentation very misleading. So much so, that when some of the real truth is finally revealed, a great many viewers simply take it to be "the cover story" rather than the mundane reality it really is. Since conspiracies and clandestine plots are usually more popular than reality, the producers of this documentary have played it for all they could while still including truth, thoroughly mixed with fallacies. This mixing, however, blurs the reality and makes it all a confused mess to those who don't already know the facts.

If you found Oliver Stone's films to be historically accurate, think that Michael Moore is an unbiased journalist, or believe that the moon landings were really staged on a Hollywood set,then you'll find this show to be very revealing. If, however, you really want to learn more about the Masons, you'll likely come away from this with a very poor and distorted understanding of the fraternity. Anti-masons and conspiracy theorists share their views with little challenge. Off-shoots and bogus masonic organizations are presented as though they are part of regular freemasonry. Many of the rituals that are revealed are not mainstream, nor what you would see in most lodges. It's like purporting that any religious group that calls itself a "Church" is part of mainstream Christianity and must also be, therefore, sanctioned by the Pope.

It is a shame that this didn't do a better job of clearly separating the fact and fiction, but if it did, how many people would bother watching...
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