Battlestar Galactica (2004–2009)
All this had never happened before, now it will happen again
24 March 2009
This is quite simply the greatest show I have ever seen. In a medium that often strangles it shows creatively Battlestar Galactica has stood as a paragon of artistic integrity. There is an epic quality to these events and characters that stays with this show until the very end. Battlestar Galactica has never strayed from showing the darker side of life. It asks tough questions and gives tough answers. Still it shows us the tender and small moments that make life worthwhile. It is a show about humanity. Each character is a fully realized human being with dreams, hopes and flaws. As the show progresses we see these characters change and evolve. As I watched the last episode no one was the same person they were when the show started.

Was this show perfect? No, it has its flaws. There is a rare episode that misses its mark or a plot point that is never fully explored but these flaws are few are far between and are the result of reaching as far as they can pushing not only the SciFi genre to its limits but television itself. The quality of the production is also unlike anything I have seen before. This isn't just some low rent production but is worthy of anything you can find in the realm of cinema. There is great hand held camera work, wonderful effects and the best use of music on any show. The most impressive thing is how they use all this to enhance the characters and the plot. Battlestar Galactica is a show about people and they never forget that.

The greatest compliment of this show is the profound feeling of loss I feel after having seen the final episode. I deeply feel sadness and sorrow at having seen this end. The fact I will no longer be able to see Kara Thrace, Lee Adama, Saul Tigh or Gaius Baltar has left me with a feeling that something is missing. I never thought a piece of art would be able to do that let alone a television show. This show will last. This show will be talked about for years to come. This show will be the standard by which other shows are judged. This show will be the template other shows use to make worthwhile art on television.
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