Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Empty Places (2003)
Season 7, Episode 19
How the mighty have fallen
4 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
There is a recurring problem in the last two seasons of BtVS and I believe this episode highlights it better than most. One could see that the writers have had a decent or in some cases, great idea, for compelling drama but blatant plot holes and inexplicable turns in character motivation makes the suspension of disbelief completely go away, resulting in zero dramatic effect and yelling at the writers. The writers, not the characters. Yelling at characters for making in character mistakes makes for great drama. This does not.

There is no way in hell Xander, Willow and Giles would completely turn against Buffy and basicalyl depose her just because they think her in a certain situation plan isn't sound. No way. No way. Her reluctance to kill Angel in season one leads to Jenny's death among others but later on Giles still trusts her judgment. Why would he not do that again? Especially considering they are in no way, shape or form safer from Caleb in the Summers house than they would be if they go for his lair and Giles and Scoobies don't have another plan at that point. It's painfully clear the main goal of the scene was to make Spike look for like an angel (not that Angel :)) in comparison. I haven't even seen the next episodes yet but this could hardly be more clear. I can see why the Scoobies were not thrilled by the plan but there is a world of difference between "this plan is no good" and "Buffy, you are no good because your previous plan was the same and it failed". Like their plans were successful every time before... And having a quarrel in front of all the scared Potentials? What were Giles, Willow and Xander thinking? Way to inspire lack of any confidence whatsoever. Remember Showtime where they planned it all in private? Remember the very previous episode where they trusted Buffy? One mistake and suddenly Faith is a better option? They behaved as if Buffy had known Caleb was so strong and led them there just for the fun of seeing people die. Yes, the plan was risky and they could have refused to go along but the dilemma presnted as "the plan or Buffy, pick your poison" is too contrived. She could have left, indignant by their behaviour, since she really some megalomania issues in the latter seasons. But all of the Scoobies deposing her and kicking her out of her bloody house due to a propositino they don't like? No. Just no.

And the funny thing is, Buffy behaved just as silly as her friends. She repeats in this season over and over how she trusts Spike and Spike only. The plan WAS indeed quite suicidal and the gains from it merely hyphotetical at that point. A good leader should discuss their plan, all of it, not just the details. Yes, she should have had the final call but when have the Scoobies attacked the Big Bad without proper preparation and evaluation of the options? Remember how hard it was for Buffy to decide to not sacrifice dawn in Season 5? Now she has a gut feeling and expect people to follow immediately. WTF? She should be thankful she is still alive and wait for info from Spike and Andrew, not taunt the guy who gave them a thrashing on just a day ago.
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