24 February 2009
So Your Wife Wants to Work (1956)

*** (out of 4)

Joe McDoakes comedy has Joe's wife (Phyllis Coates) wanting to work but her husband isn't too keen on the idea because he believes women should stay at home. He talks his boss into giving her a job so that the two can treat her so badly that she wants to go back home but things don't work out as planned. This is another winning entry in the long-running series that at times was rather hit and miss. This time out we get plenty of strong laughs coming from not only George O'Hanlon but also Coates who manages to give a funny performance. The best gag of the movie happens when she's checking over some old records and determines that Davy Crocket was one of the original members of the comedy. The payoff to this joke is quite funny as is another sequence where the wife has to fix some tax issues, which of course were messed up by the husband. This here was the final of sixty-two films in the series.
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