Beautiful and Emotional
28 October 2008
Though i've used IMDb for a long time, i felt compelled to finally create an account and write a comment on this movie - though it looks like these comments are just going be preaching to the choir! I'm 30 years old, and i can count on one hand the number of times that i have cried in my adult life. This is not to say that i completely lack emotion, nor is it to say that i haven't had tough times. It just seems that, even in my saddest moments, i can't even MAKE myself cry. Not only that, but i doubt i've shed more than a tear or two *ever* because of a movie - and i have a rather large collection.

That was before i watched this movie. I cried more during this movie than i've cried in my entire adult life. I was completely blown away by how beautiful and touching it was. All of us dream of finding true love - someone who inspires you so much that your feelings become poetry in your head. Someone who can stand next to you on the coldest autumn morning and make the sunrise feel like spring dawning. But what if you met that person, and you lost them? This movie asks that question, and it shows you how powerful and important love is.

I really can't say enough good things about this movie. I watched it without knowing anything about it at all. I didn't read the back of the movie, nor did i read any of the reviews - i just knew that it was a well regarded movie (i tend to do that with foreign movies). Although it took a while to really start feeling attached to the characters, by the middle of the movie i was emotionally on the edge of my seat. The movie is beautiful and inspirational. And i think you can tell by the torrent of 10/10s for this movie, it is a movie you will not soon forget.
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