That Lonely Child of Always
5 October 2008
Julian Schnabel's "Before Night Falls" initially impresses as an extraordinarily photographed film, by Xavier Perez Grobet and Guillermo Rosas; their use of color is especially beautiful. For someone unaware of the subject (as I was), the narrative is sometimes confusing. The film is a biography of Cuban poet Reinaldo Arenas (1943-1990), who is played by Javier Bardem. Mr. Bardem's characterization is about as convincing as they come; he gradually "paints" his role into your viewing consciousness. And, he carries the story through some rough waters. His performance is definitive "Best Actor" material.

Also, watch out for Sean Penn, under hat and make-up, as he gives young Reinaldo a lift, after the boy leaves home. Later on, during a prison sequence, Johnny Depp essays a couple of amazing characterizations, as "Bon Bon" and "Lieutenant Victor"; Mr. Depp's acting, and his decisions regarding his successful career, are quite admirable. Handsome Andrea Di Stefano (as Pepe) and handsome Oliver Martinez (as Lazaro) are among Bardem's "Best Supporting" boyfriends. In sum, Mr. Schnabel, Bardem, and the photographers deserve accolades for this good nightfall.

Additionally, investigate writer Reinaldo Arenas (as I did): "I am that child of always / Before the panorama of imminent terror / Imminent leprosy, imminent fleas / Of offenses and the imminent crime / I am that repulsive child that improvises a bed / Out of an old cardboard box and waits / Certain that you will accompany me…"

******** Before Night Falls (2000) Julian Schnabel ~ Javier Bardem, Oliver Martinez, Johnny Depp
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